Macros rule

a dive into rust's syntax extension toolbox

Thoth Gunter


A Macro is ...

a single instruction that expands into multiple instructions -- The Common Lisp cookbook

(When describing macros in assembly environments.)

//HELPME is a macro let hm = HELPME!();

//expanded macro let hm = {let sfj = somefunny_joke();           let mut f = 10;           somefunc(f) - sfj };

Macros offer more than just textual replacement.

Macros in C/C++ 98

for(int i=0; i < l.size(); i++){
#define FOR_IN(iter, arr) \ for(int iter=0; iter < arr.size(); iter++)

main(){    std::vector myvec = [12, 1, 32, 4];    FOR_IN(i, myvec){      printf("iter: %d : %d", i, i + myvec[i]);    } }

Why use macros?

  • Reduction of Redundant Code
  • Fundamentally impact the structure and syntax of the language.

What about rust?

Macros in Rust

  • "Macro is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence should be mapped to a replacement output sequence." -- wikipedia Macro_(computer_science)
  • "Macros are a way of writing code that writes other code." -- rust-doc 1.30 appendix 04

Macros in Rust

  • "Macro is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence should be mapped to a replacement output sequence." -- wikipedia Macro_(computer_science) ← Declarative Macro
  • "Macros are a way of writing code that writes other code." -- rust-doc 1.30 appendix 04 ← Procedural Macro

The Declarative Macro

macro_rules! (MACRO_NAME)1 { (MATCH STATEMENT)2 (\{\[     $(VARIABLE NAME)3:(VARIABLE TYPE)4,\(DELIMITER or REPETITION or CUSTOM SYMBOL) ]\}\) => {               $(VARIABLE NAME)5 //perform some operation           };6 }
  1. Define how the macro is identied.
  2. Set of patterns to be checked against.
    • (), {}, or []
  3. Patterns consit of named tokens and
  4. typed tokens.
  5. Replacement code.
  6. Ending in a semicolon.

Starting Simple

macro_rules! update_and_print { ($x:tt)=>{ println!("previous {}", $x);            $x += 1;         }; ($x:tt, $y:tt)=>{ println!("previous {} {}", $x, $y);            $x += 1;            $y += 1;         }; }

Original Code

let mut a = 10; let mut b = 10; update_and_print!(a); update_and_print!(a, b);

Expanded Code

println!("previous {}", a); a += 1; println!("previous {} {}", a, b); a += 1; b += 1;


update_and_print!(); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing tokens in macro arguments update_and_print!(a); ------------------^--                   |                   `CustonType` cannot be formatted with the default formatter                   in this macro invocation update_and_print!(a, b, c);                       ^ no rules expected this token in macro call

Macro types

  • item: an item ( function, struct, module, etc)
  • block: a block e.g. {} of statements or expressions, e.g., { let x = 5; }
  • stmt: a statement e.g., let x = 1 + 1; , String::new(); or vec![];
  • pat: a pattern e.g., Some(true), (17, 'a'), or _
  • expr: an expression e.g., x, 1 + 1, String::new() or vec![]
  • ty: a type e.g., String, usize or Vec.
  • ident: an identifier e.g. for example in let x = 0; the identifier is x.
  • path: a path e.g. foo, ::std::mem::replace , transmute::<_, int>, …
  • meta: a meta item; the things that go inside #[...] and #![...] attributes
  • tt: a single token tree
  • lifetime: a lifetime token e.g. 'a
  • vis: visibility qualifier e.g. pub, pub(crate)
  • literal: hard coded floats, ints, chars and strings

Repetition Signifier

  • * ( zero or more repetition)
  • + (one or more repetitions)
  • ? (zero or one instances)


  • item: an item ( function, struct, module, etc)
  • block: a block e.g. {} of statements or expressions, e.g., { let x = 5; }
  • stmt: a statement e.g., let x = 1 + 1; , String::new(); or vec![];
  • Example

  • pat: a pattern e.g., Some(true), (17, 'a'), or _
  • expr: an expression e.g., x, 1 + 1, String::new() or vec![]
  • ty: a type e.g., String, usize or Vec.
  • Example

  • ident: an identifier e.g. for example in let x = 0; the identifier is x.
  • path: a path e.g. foo, ::std::mem::replace , transmute::<_, int>, …
  • meta: a meta item; the things that go inside #[...] and #![...] attributes
  • Example

  • tt: a single token tree
  • lifetime: a lifetime token
  • vis: visibility qualifier
  • literal: hard coded floats, ints, chars and strings
  • Your all pros now

    macro_rules! math{    ($x:literal ^ $y:literal )=>{        ($x as f32).powf($y as f32)    };    ($x:literal ^ $y:literal $sym:tt $($expression:tt)* )=>{        ($x as f32).powf($y as f32) $sym math!($($expression)*)    };    ($x:literal $sym:tt $($expression:tt)* )=>{        $x as f32 $sym math!($($expression)*)    };    ($sym:tt $x:literal $($expression:tt)* )=>{        $sym $x as f32 math!($($expression)*)    };    ($x:literal)=>{        $x as f32    };    ()=>{}; }
    macro_rules! math{    ($x:literal ^ $y:literal )=>{        ($x as f32).powf($y as f32)    };    ($x:literal ^ $y:literal $sym:tt $($expression:tt)* )=>{        ($x as f32).powf($y as f32) $sym math!($($expression)*)    };    ($x:literal $sym:tt $($expression:tt)* )=>{        $x as f32 $sym math!($($expression)*)    };    ($sym:tt $x:literal $($expression:tt)* )=>{        $sym $x as f32 math!($($expression)*)    };    ($x:literal)=>{        $x as f32    };    ()=>{}; }

    Allows user to input simple mathematical expressions of numeral literals and calculates the results.
    It take a mixed of integer and float types and converts all inputs to float.

    let example = math!(1 + 23.42^2.3);

    //Expansion let example = 1 as f32 + (23.42 as f32).powf(2.3 as f32);

    What happens here?

    let example = math!( 13.4 * (1.2^23 + 12) + 23.42^2.3); //ERROR -->    | 10 | macro_rules! math{    | ----------------- when calling this macro ... 32 | println!("{}", math!( 13.4 * (1.2^23 + 12) + 23 / 3.14^2));    |                                         ^ no rules expected this token in macro call

    What happens here?

    let example = math!( 13.4 * (1.2^23 + 12) + 23.42^2.3); macro_rules! math{    ($x:literal ^ $y:literal )=>{        ($x as f32).powf($y as f32)    };    ($x:literal ^ $y:literal $sym:tt $($expression:tt)* )=>{        ($x as f32).powf($y as f32) $sym math!($($expression)*)    };    ($x:literal $sym:tt $($expression:tt)* )=>{        $x as f32 $sym math!($($expression)*)    };    ($sym:tt $x:literal $($expression:tt)* )=>{        $sym $x as f32 math!($($expression)*)    };    ($x:literal)=>{        $x as f32    };    ()=>{}; }

    What happens here?

    let example = math!( 13.4 * (1.2^23 + 12) + 23.42^2.3); !!ERROR!! -->    | 10 | macro_rules! math{    | ----------------- when calling this macro ... 32 | println!("{}", math!( 13.4 * (1.2^23 + 12) + 23 / 3.14^2));    |                                          ^ no rules expected this token in macro call

    Debugging tools (only using nightly compiler)

    Expanding macros with the nightly compiler and checking source code is probably the best way to go when debugging macros.

    rustup default nightly rustup default stable

    (cargo) rustc (cargo) rustc -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded


    #![feature(trace_macros)] fn main(){     trace_macros!(true);     ...     trace_macros!(false); }

    Debugging tools (only using nightly compiler)

    let example = math!( 13.4 * (1.2^23 + 12) 23.42^2.3); //Trace macro exapansion = note: expanding `math! { 13.4 + (1.2 ^ 23 + 12) + 23.42 ^ 2.3 }` = note: to `13.4 as f32 + math ! ((1.2 ^ 23 + 12) + 23.42 ^ 2.3)` = note: expanding `math! { (1.2 ^ 23 + 12) + 23.42 ^ 2.3 }`

    Procedural Macros

    are a way of writing rust code that writes rust code.

    Procedural Macros

    Compiler extension.

    Differences from declarative macros

    • Defined in seperate crate.
    • Not pattern based.
    • Direct interaction with token streams.


    • Custom error messages.
    • Working with the langauge you use everyday

    Setting up a proc marco

    SETUP: cargo toml and rustc

    Cargo junky (cargo) #CARGO.TOML [lib] proc-macro = true
    One Off (rustc) // if using rustc be sure // the following heads your .rs lib file. #![crate_type = "proc-macro"]

    // extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; #[proc_macro] pub fn macro_name( _sts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

    Simple Example

    //testlibproc_macro extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; #[proc_macro] pub fn macro_name( _sts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {     "fn test_fn()-> f32 { 23.23 }".parse().unwrap() }


    extern crate testlibproc_macro; use proc_lib::macro_name; macro_name!(); //Expands to fn test_fn()->f32 { 23.23 } fn main(){     let test = test_fn();     println!("test {}", test); }
    //testlibproc_macro #[proc_macro] pub fn macro_name( _sts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {     println!("Hello World.")     "fn test_fn()-> f32 { 23.23 }".parse().unwrap() }

    Compiling example v0.1.0 (/example) Hello World Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.61s Running `target/debug/example` test 42

    messing with tokens (proc_macro lib)

    TokenStream is made up of TokenTree(s).
    TokenTree is an enum.

    • Group(Group)
      A token stream surrounded by bracket delimiters.
    • Ident(Ident)
      An identifier.
    • Punct(Punct)
      A single punctuation character (+, ,, $, etc.).
    • Literal(Literal)
      A literal character ('a'), string ("hello"), number (2.3), etc.

    Complex Example

    extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; #[proc_macro] pub fn math(expression: TokenStream)->TokenStream{ use proc_macro::TokenTree; let mut output_string = String::new(); let mut open_brackets = 0; let mut pre_index = 0; for it in expression.into_iter(){ match it{ TokenTree::Group(group)=>{ output_string += "( "; let ts = math(; output_string += &ts.to_string(); output_string += " ) "; }, TokenTree::Ident(ident)=>{ pre_index = output_string.len(); output_string += &format!(" {} as f32 ", ident.to_string() ); if open_brackets > 0 { output_string += ") "; open_brackets -= 1; } }, TokenTree::Literal(literal)=>{ pre_index = output_string.len(); output_string += &format!(" {} as f32 ", literal.to_string() ); if open_brackets > 0 { output_string += ") "; open_brackets -= 1; } }, TokenTree::Punct(punct)=>{ let _char = punct.as_char(); match _char{ '+' => { output_string += "+";}, '-' => { output_string += "-";}, '/' => { output_string += "/";}, '^' => { open_brackets += 1; output_string += " ).powf("; output_string.insert(pre_index, '('); }, '*' => { output_string += "*";}, _ => {panic!("Not implemented! symbol unknown");} } }, _=>{panic!("Error unsupported tokentree");} } } match output_string.parse(){ Ok(ts) => ts, Err(e) => panic!(format!("{:?}", e)) } }

    Complex Example

    extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; #[proc_macro] pub fn math(expression: TokenStream)->TokenStream{ use proc_macro::TokenTree; let mut output_string = String::new(); let mut open_brackets = 0; let mut pre_index = 0; for it in expression.into_iter(){ match it{ TokenTree::Group(group)=>{ output_string += "( "; let ts = math(; output_string += &ts.to_string(); output_string += " ) "; }, TokenTree::Ident(ident)=>{ pre_index = output_string.len(); output_string += &format!(" {} as f32 ", ident.to_string() ); if open_brackets > 0 { output_string += ") "; open_brackets -= 1; } }, TokenTree::Literal(literal)=>{ pre_index = output_string.len(); output_string += &format!(" {} as f32 ", literal.to_string() ); if open_brackets > 0 { output_string += ") "; open_brackets -= 1; } }, TokenTree::Punct(punct)=>{ let _char = punct.as_char(); match _char{ '+' => { output_string += "+";}, '-' => { output_string += "-";}, '/' => { output_string += "/";}, '^' => { open_brackets += 1; output_string += " ).powf("; output_string.insert(pre_index, '('); }, '*' => { output_string += "*";}, _ => {panic!("Not implemented! symbol unknown");} } }, _=>{panic!("Error unsupported tokentree");} } } match output_string.parse(){ Ok(ts) => ts, Err(e) => panic!(format!("{:?}", e)) } }

    In ~60 lines of code we have a more robust macro that is potentially easier to debug.

    Command line args can be used from proc_macros

    #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)] extern crate proc_lib; use proc_lib::*; fn main() { let x = math!( 2.3 ^ 10 - 4); assert_eq!(2.3_f32.powf(10.0) - 4.0, x); let y = 42; let x = math!(1 + 1.0 / y); assert_eq!(1.0 + 1.0/ 42.0, x); let x = math!( 5.2 * (1 + 4) - 43); assert_eq!(5.2 * (1.0 + 4.0) - 43.0, x); }

    everything not covered

    Additional Ideas

    • pattern precedence
    • hygiene
    • Derive macros
    • Attribute macros

    Additional Tools

    • proc-macro2 crate
      is a re-implementation of the proc-macro std crate
    • quote crate
      is a quasi quote
    • syn crate
      is a parsing library that allows easy pattern matching.
